вебинар "управление на ландшафтной основе и насекомые"

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вебинар "управление на ландшафтной основе и насекомые"

Сообщение nadiopt » 17 май 2013, 15:53

не влезла в рамки темы. в общем, вебинар про управление на ландшафтной основе и вспышки численности насекомых-вредителей.
Can landscape-scale management influence insect outbreak dynamics? A natural experiment for spruce budworm.
We hypothesized that landscape connectivity of host tree species increases forest susceptibility to insect
pest damage. We evaluated this hypothesis for spruce budworm within a 6 million hectare
“experimental” landscape at the international border between the Midwestern US and Canada, containing
wilderness plus two contrasting harvest patterns (coarse vs. fine). Results suggest that a) past
management created widely divergent landscape legacies, yet budworm host species patterns were only
weakly related to these spatial legacies; b) spruce budworm disperse at a coarser scale than the
fragmentation patterns created by land management; c) outbreak characteristics differed substantially
across the differently managed landscapes.
Landscape composition, rather than pattern itself, appeared to contribute to the divergent outbreak
responses. This study is among the first to show that forest management can not only influence
damage associated with defoliator outbreaks, but also the nature of the outbreaks themselves
Tuesday, May 21stfrom 1 to 2pm Eastern
ссылки тут: http://www.fs.fed.us/research/docs/land ... ebinar.pdf
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