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проблема печати пдф с modified paper size

Добавлено: 29 апр 2015, 19:17
Today suddenly a problem occurred with AutoCAD. When I try to print in PDF using a modified paper size (for example A2 format with length 840 instead of 594) it occurs a fatal error showed in the picture. I tried to search it in internet but have found different kind of problems.

This error occurs with all drawings (I tried a few), only if I choose to print in PDF with non standard paper size.

If I use normal paper size of PDFCreator there is no error.

Re: проблема печати пдф с modified paper size

Добавлено: 29 апр 2015, 19:58
Игорь Белов
Try another virtual printer. Get one installing PDFill entire package or just PDF & Image Writer.